Thursday, March 31, 2016

Amaya Loves the Magnolia Flower

The Magnolia Flower is a very old and ancient flower species.
Fossils of this type of flower have been found that are 95 million
years old.  This flower is even older than bees.  So to achieve pollination,
they developed tough leaves so that the beetles could pollinate them.

Steel Magnolias is the name of a 1989 American comedy-drama film.  The movie 
is about a group of women from Louisiana.  They were as beautiful as 
magnolias and as tough as steel in the movie. The magnolia in the movie title 
specifically references a tree which they argued about at the 
beginning of the film.

This was directed in general by Amaya Jean Cleveland.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

DC with Friends from Canadia

Recent Life Activity

Friends from Canadia dropped in for a visit.  B put in
a BR D for C.  It looks great!  As B would say: 38 lbs of
two-by-four's, 15 lbs of balsa wood door frame, 5 lbs of screws 
and 22 lbs of caulk.  My friend is one great caulker. 

 I miss the Rascals but they are coming home late tonight.
My Greek Project is pushed back one week.  More time
to spoil them with anything they can think to want.

I do not remember where C took this selfie of us.  We 
look happy, must have been before we walked our
8th, 9th or 10th mile in downtown DC. 

The Apple Blossoms were at their peak during our
two days of downtown DC tours.  One of those days,
we casually watched the snipers top the White House.
(Google man with BB-Gun Attacks WH Visitor's Center.)

Honeymooners in Prague

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Disney World - A Second Visit - Xmas 2016

Addy, with no prompting the other nite asked if she
could try the Princess Dress on.  She wore it years ago
at her first visit to Disneyworld.

Papa thinks that 2016 it might be a good year to repeat.
Quintin thought it was a good idea too.  He wants
to go hangliding with Papa.  (He loves flying
in the nearby park swing.)

Doug Getting A Tail In Mexico

I went to Mexico, Missouri to the Zenith Aircraft Factory to
construct a tail for a Zenith 750 STOL.  While there I was able
to get a demo ride from the Company Pilot Roger.  He probably
has more hours in the Zenith airplanes than anyone in the
world - no exaggeration.  Cool guy and no doubt good pilot.

Dale from Omaha helped me out.  He chose to go the "monitor" 
route as opposed to actually building & owning his own tail.
I am sort of proud of the tail that I got in Mexico.  Hope to
maybe fly it some day.  Ask to see it sometime, snuggled
in foam in my basement workshop.  I will gladly unfoam
it and show it to you.  1/100 of my plane done!

Grand Ole Opry

Carol and I took advantage of our last trip to see Panama to go
to the Grand Ole Opry.  This was our first time which is a 
shame since we have lived in and around BNA for so long.

Darius Rucker and of course he did an old time song from
Hootie and the Blow Fish.  Something about Wheels Rolling...
Help me out here!  Got that song on the tip of your tongue?

Charley Pride and of course he did the "Devil Went Down
to Georgia."  Charley can still play a fiddle!

A Trip to KCMO to Visit Friends & Family

While Carol had a break in jury duty - we went to KCMO to visit
Mary/Randy/kids and Vinny & Carolyn.  We also got to see
old friends Dan & Kay.  The weather was great, except
for a light frosting of snow on our last night.

Thanks for putting us up you all!

As always, Vinny makes the very
best Margarita in the States.  We
have to go way down to PV to
get the best of course...

Date Afternoon - Papa & Panama at the Ceramics Shop

Panamania and I went together to a ceramics shop where Carol has 
been taking them.  She did a horse piece and I did a girl on the 
moon in a cloud.  It was more fun than I thought it would be.

Go Nana for Good Papa/Granddaughter Date Ideas!

Panama's Unicorny Horse

The "Before Firing" condition of the Moon Girl.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Cappadocia, Turkey Balloons

Istanbul Sunday

Gemlik, Turkey Early 2016

Ryman Theatre - IL Volo Concert

How Do You Know You Are Back in Germany?

How do you know that you are back in Germany for a
week of work?  Well, that is easy... you go to the coffee
machine at the gate and get a free latte, then you go to
the paper rack and pick up a free paper.

Then you walk around a bit and see the latest Audi's
sitting in the middle of the terminal.  Hmmmm... can
I get that on as a carry-on?  Probably make me check it.

Surprise Ryman Concert - The Italian Singing Trio Il Volo

Nana surprised me with a Concert at the Ryman.  We
have never heard from the the Italian Trio from Italy
called the Il Volo but they sure were good.

Thanks Carol, lovely evening in Nashville...

Quintin Likes the Swing - Nana Likes Quintin

Carol and I walked to the grade school to pick up Amaya and 
on the way backwe stopped at the park.  Q is 6-months, going on 
18-months and at the end of the park play, I stuck him in the rubber 
swing and draped his arms over the front.  He was wedged in good 
and tight.  I gave him a bit of swing and all we heard was "howling" 
of the laughter type.  He loved the free swinging motion without 
any bounds.  (I think he wants to fly with his Papa.)  

At any rate, not only did he tickle himself but he was getting 
his Nana going as well.

I love Nana when she gets gooey!  Attaboy Q!!!

Apple Blossoms Early in DC - March 15th

We went to DC early this year and the apple blossoms were
already out!  It was a beautiful day, we hopped the train downtown,
Erica picked up their 1/2 Marathon bibs, and we walked a bit.

My second time to the Treasury to try to get a tour.

Not sure they are ever open...  offered the guard to pay for a tour
but he said my dollar was practically worthless.   And no, I did
not bribe him with additional worthless dollars. 

Kris Kristofferson Tribute Concert

Carol surprised me with a Nashville Tribute Concert to Kris
by a slug of Country Western performers.

My favorite tributtee, of course, was Willie Nelson.

He and his guitar are showing their age but his voice is still
strong, clear and still really Willie sounding.

Great Night, Thanks Carol!

Low & Slow - Zenith 750 STOL

This is one of the prettiest pictures I have seen
of a plane that I would like to build.

This is my kind of flying:  low & slow!

Zenith 750 STOL
400 Hour Build (Right!?)
Build with a Viking 130 Honda Fit Engine
Free catalog from Zenith in Mexico, Missouri

Tuesday, March 8, 2016