Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Coin Collecting - Who Wooda Thunk

I have decided that half dollar coin collecting is more fun than working.
(Not sure that I expected any singular occupation would overcome the joy of making money.)

So I am coin collecting half dollars - I am also motivating my three granddaughters to
appreciate the value of counting dollars by 4-bit increments.

The first couple of half dollar boxes were uneventful.  However, the last two yielded
some 40% silver, some NIFC coins as well as a beautiful 2002 San Francisco Proof. 

The highlight, in my mind was to find a 1951 Ben Franklin.  It is pretty worn but I find
it kind of neat that my first Benjamin was dated the year of our birth.  (Carol and I were
both born the same year.)  So on we go down the coin collecting path.  It would be much
easier to buy the coins... however, it seems to me that "discovering" the coins is much
more interesting.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Another Baptized Grandbaby Added to the Family Tree

Another baptized Grandbaby added to the Clan!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Panama & Papa - Working the Half Dollars from BNA BAC

We worked the $240 that we got courtesy of Fed at
the BNA BAC (our home bank actually).  No statistics
yet but we practically filled Panama's two coin books! 

We found a 2001 and a 2005 but nothing else from the 
years newer than 2000.  These are years where the coins
are available from the mint in uncirculated condition - no
one dropped any of these more expensive coins in our box.  

Nana thought this picture was funny.  The squinting 
makes my face more wrinkled than normal.  It did
capture my general disposition however. 

Wow is all I can say.  We did pretty well
on the first coin haul.  Good job all!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

My Daughter & Granddaughter - Jumper & Rower

Panama came in 2nd in her first time trying this event.
Papa has been practicing jumping into the shower w/o falling.

Erica came in second in the Women's Rowing Time Trials at the Gym.
This was her first time.  She is going to keep at it to see if she can get better.
Papa has taken up rowing too:  5000 meters today in 30-minutes.  Not too fast!
His motto:  I hustled at work for 30-years, time to stroll not roll...