Saturday, January 7, 2017

Redfield, South Dakota - Pheasant Capital of the World!

I was born in Redfield, South Dakota on November 14, 1951!

I can remember many, many things about my life there.  However, 
for the sake of brevity I will not comment.  If you want to know more
details, let me know and I will fill you in.  As a tribute to my birth city,
I bought two coffee cups the last time we visited.  One for me, one for
my dad.  (He said that he would like one too.)

 I would love to have this safe in my basement.  It is now a safe
remnant of a bank in the back room of a restaurant.  Oh me, oh my,
in its heyday I wonder what kind of treasures it held?

Ok, in absence of the other one, I would take this one.

How much more excitement can you have?  We go for a short afternoon 
road trip and we run into a small out-of-control-in--our-minds-at-least fire
of major proportions.  Oh wait, that farmer just threw a match.  

The thing that I remember about this trip from Brady to Redfield was Loyd 
telling me which power lines had specific voltages.  I am an engineer, I am impressed
with my father.  Alway have been.  "He is a wonderful people person."  

I actually have no idea.  I am working in Gwangyang, Korea, and have no idea of where we
took this picture.   It is a very traditional, very friendly, very typical, 
family picture.  However, Carol has historically taken the high road to make all
it work and I appreciate it.  I have flaws and she has an eraser she attempted to use "often".

I have no idea how this picture of little Addy ended up in this grouping.
However, I am not going to delete her!  She is a wonderful, special little granddaughter.
She told Carol the other day that she thinks that she has the most loving family
that she knows of.  Now that is a pretty special comment!  She is wearing, by the way,
special magnification glasses that a coin collector needs to evaluate high value
coins.  The only thing missing in Papa's collection of coins is the "high value" part
of that collection!  (In other words, I will sell you one of my collectable half dollars
for 51 cents.  Text me, e-mail me, I will let Addy know you want to buy!)

Seoul, Korea Visit - Carol & Doug - 2016

Our first weekend together in Seoul after Carol arrived for a visit.  We had a full couple
of weeks of touring planned.... Seoul, Jeju, Suncheon, Gwangyang, Sapporo, Japan and then
Baltimore, Maryland.      Quick!  Lets catch that next bus to Olney!

Ok, back to the immediate picture.  Several girls (women?  Yes, of course...) 
having a day out together in Korean period dress at one of the most beautiful restored
temples of Korea in Seoul.  (To emphasize that they were younger than their dresses,
they were all wearing Nike, or perhaps New Balance, tennis shoes.) 

 Every time I see a youngster running around having fun, I think of my wonderful
grandchildren in Tennessee and Maryland.  God bless children worldwide!
Carol, have I told you lately that I love you!
You are my favorite travel partner...

Sorry about the sense of humor... not sure which DNA it came from.
However, I have to tell you that I like it.  It has given me much fun times
over the years!  Cannot remember the first time I recognized it but it has
been there for a heck of a long time.  (I know you love it too... ok to not say so though.) 

Cheonjiyeon Falls, Jeju, South Korea - 2016

 On our visit to Jeju Island, located in the southern end of Korea, we
visited the Cheonjiyeon Falls.  Now as a husband of 42 years, I have learned
to sometimes "not say too much".  (Mostly I do not follow this 42 year advice... hmmm)

Carol decided to park about 1/2 mile uphill of this tourist spot, even as I said that
I think we could park closer.  (Usually, in the Safeway Parking Lot, she parks closer
than I want to so as to save walking steps to the front door.)  So we hike downhill about
10-miles (actually 1/2 mile) and we get to the Falls that we want to visit.

The Falls and the other sites at the site are excellent - well worth the stop and the
half mile walk up the 69% grade back to the car parking lot.   

Our Visit to the Interesting Country of Turkey

Carol and I often talk about the fact that we lived in Germany during the time
that it was safe and without many refugee issues.  Without any reference to the political
aspects of all of that, we just consider ourselves very lucky!  We were there at the best times.

Thanks Erica & Michael and ITI for the opportunity!
We have been given Work & Family opportunity for these wonderful travel opportunities.

We visited Istanbul shortly after the German Tourist Bomb Tragedy but well before
any of the other Terrorist activities.  It is such a different city than we had ever experienced
before, starting with the Bazaar, which you might call bizzaro!  Carol handled the dickering
much better than I did.  She struck bargains that I could not get.  I walked away, mostly upset
because I "thought" we struck a deal until the register rang up and then the price was higher.

One day in the bazar that I will remember:  Carol dickering and Peter calling me for an almost
immediate job in Greece starting with a PPM with my old boss.  It was a fun day even
though I am sure that I was disappointed with my dickering skills.  Just one random
rememberance:  Carol was buying many silk scarves as potential gifts and I
saw one that spelled out Istanbul with different tourist sites highlighted in the patterns. 
I told Carol, "I think that this one will be the scarf that all your friends want."  We 
even went back the next week to buy more of them.  Guess what?  That
has been the most popular with the 1/2 of the American population that Carol has
gifted with either a scarf or a pillow case from Istanbul.  Doug rules!

We went to the same restaurant almost every nite and we each ordered a full meal as we
knew that we would run into a person/family that was in need of a meal on our way back
to the hotel.  This was a sad reality when we were there and is no doubt as bad now or worse.

This picture was maybe a year ago!  I just realized that I had hair on the top of my head
twice as thick as I do today.  I hereby say that 63, 64 & 65 is the beginning of the end
for Papa's head of hair!  (I have had a cocktail... it is Saturday nite in Gwangyang, Korea...)
I had a dream last nite of a testing lab worker at OSM by the name of Bill H.  He used to 
call me Rabbi because of the bald spot on the back of my head.  He was quite a bit older
than I was and I sensed that everyone got nervous every time he did it because I was the head
of the department.  However, in my dream last nite, I got the clear sense that he was
not doing it to demean me but rather he was giving me the respect that a congregation
had for their Rabbi.  A silly thing to reference publicly I guess but one of the benefits
of having a blog - you can pretty much say anything stupid that you want to.

Working in Bremen, Germany - Nice Place to Work Indeed

If you spend any significant time in Bremen, you will determine
that all the fun stuff is down at the City Center - namely the Square and
the surrounding 6 or 8 block radius.  The riverfront is developed with public
walkways, there is restaurant row next to the river and the Square is about
2-3 blocks away.  The Cathedral is one anchor of the Square with Restaurants 
and beautiful public government buildings surrounding.  I am sitting above
in one of the outdoor restaurants, in the background is the Cathedral.

Not sure why there is a very neat windmill built very close to the
Square surrounded by a park, but there is.  It is a great picturesque site
and is usually very crowded with tourists as well as locals using the
park as a shortcut to wherever they happen to be going.

Bremen, Germany - Where I met Captain Frank!

I went to Bremen, Germany for a job and stayed at an Air BNB owned by
Frank.  He is a very friendly old ship Captain that started out his boating
career by being the equivalent of a German Navy Seal and then a professional
industrial diver.  As he got older and "worn out physically" as he described it,
he got involved in shipping and eventually became a boat Captain.  His small
apartment was full of souvenirs that he obtained from his travels all over the 
world.  He was a German breath of fresh air, I enjoyed his company.

He is struggling physically and wants so bad to spend his last days living in a
beach bungalow on an island somewhere "hot & humid & cheap."  I have a
feeling that he will make that happen as he is arranging now for all of his
estate to be transferred to his daughter & family.  Frank will very frank
about his life and how it will end hopefully.  He is looking for someone
to help him make the beach happen - perhaps he will find someone.  In
the meantime, he has a great life and friends in Bremen.

Carol and Doug - Island of Jeju, Korea - Summer 2016

After my work with POSCO was over, Carol came to South Korea to visit.
We went to the Island of Jeju, on the southern end of Korea and really
enjoyed the beautiful sites.  We visited the Island of the Island connected
by a beautiful bridge.  It was very small island but typical of how Korea
does things.  They had a very functional network of wooden paths that
wound in all directions over the extent of the Island.  They also had
a very pretty lighthouse which we went to the top of in an elevator.

We visited the Volcano on the island - it had a great walkway all the
way to the top.  Once on top, there was gallery type seating where families
could picnic or just sit in the sunshine next to a magnificent view of the
volcano top.  The climb was rigorous but senior doable for sure.  I came
down and bought an icey and I think Carol bought a Starbucks cup
as I recall.  It was a great adventure.

No pictures but after we went to the Volcano, we drove back to the main
island town of Jeju.  (We were flying back to Korea the next morning.) 
We stopped on the way at a Lava Cave.  It was very well presented to the
public, as are all their tourist sites.  I like Korea and how they organize
and present in a very user friendly fashion.