Sunday, June 28, 2020

Best Round Ever at This Golf Course - After Not Golfing in Several Months!

Who can explain their best round ever when 
there has been only two golf outings in 
the last 2-3 months!

This is a crazy game...  
I guess that is why we keep playing it.

Congratulations to my Wife Carol! 
(I snuck a picture of her scorecard out while she was not looking.)

PS -  On her first round last week, she also missed 
her second career hole-in-one by an inch 
per the Greenskeeper that saw it unfold. 
She had a 3-inch comeback 
putt for birdie and made it!

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Happy Flag Day 2020

Fred and Minnie Oleson Farmhouse west of Faulkton, SD.
Date and Photographer is unknown - house looks vacant.

However, someone took the picture - 
perhaps Minnie is still living there after Fred passed.

She later moved to Faulkton where she passed in about 1970.

Note the Two Flags still flying from the front porch!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Doug, Bobby Bailey and the Dragonfly Tug

Not only did Bobby Bailey design and produce the first tug to tow a hang  glider but he is probably the best Dragonfly pilot in the world.  (He is a humble guy and only smiles and looks away when I call him a hang gliding legend.)  So when you get a chance to fly with a legend, do you do it?  Of course you do.  I did... first flight of the week this morning.  Many more to come.

Clouds at 4,000 feet base, occasional scud under that broken layer and a blue hole! Bobby headed toward the hole to see if we could top the clouds... too high so we settled back to earth after a 45 minute flight.  Not before he gave me a ride though.  Fives spins over the lake and it was a blur - that is all I can remember about it.  A few steps wingovers and two loops and we settled nicely onto the ground.  A west to east uneventful landing in a 25 mph wind:  looks soooooo easy, Bobby!

The view of earth over my left knee.  Water everywhere in Florida, of course.